
Starting a family is an exciting time! If you have type 1 diabetes (T1D) and are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, we have helpful resources for every step of your pregnancy journey ā€“ including bringing baby home!

Whether you’ve just started planning, or are looking ahead, gathering information is the first step to a safe and healthy pregnancy with T1D. Many women choose to work with a team that includes an endocrinologist, primary care doctor, and an OB-GYN, preferably one who has experience with T1D pregnancies.

Creating a pregnancy plan is the next step. Most experts recommend maintaining an HbA1c at or below 6 percent before you conceive, and maintaining that range throughout your pregnancy. Itā€™s also important early in the planning stages to consider wearing a CGM if you donā€™t already. A CGM will provide additional insight into blood-glucose patterns, helping you maintain healthy blood-glucose levels.

With all the excitement, planning and well-intended advice from friends and family, pregnancy can also feel overwhelming. Take a deep breath! JDRF is here to help you experience a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Planning for Baby

First Trimester

Second Trimester

Third Trimester

Life with Baby

Life with Baby

Sarah, who has type 1 diabetes (T1D), talks about her childbirth experience as well as some of the new challenges she has faced with blood sugar management post-pregnancy.

Myths & Facts

Women with T1D have been having healthy pregnancies for decades, but a handful of discouraging myths and misconceptions remain. Below, several of the most common myths and facts about pregnancy and T1D are explained.

Myth: Women with T1D have big babies
Fact: When mothers keep blood-glucose levels in range during pregnancy, the babyā€™s size will not be affected

Myth: Women with T1D have a harder time getting pregnant
Fact: A womanā€™s fertility is complex and related to many factors, T1D alone is not one of them

Myth: Youā€™ll have to deliver early and you will most likely have a C-section
Fact: While it is common for women with T1D to be induced at 38 weeks, with good blood glucose management, you can have a full term, natural delivery

Myth: Your children will automatically have diabetes
Fact: Children of mothers with T1D only have a slightly elevated risk of developing T1D

Myth: It is not important for men with T1D to have their blood-sugar levels well controlled while trying to conceive.
Fact: Poorly controlled T1D can affect sperm count, sperm health and erectile function. It is important to be as well controlled as possible while trying to conceive.

Myth: Having a blood-sugar level in the 200ā€’300 mg/dL range during the first few weeks of pregnancy (before the pregnancy is confirmed) will cause the baby to have birth defects.
Fact: It is true that the first six weeks of pregnancy are critical because your babyā€™s organs are forming during this time. Fortunately, birth defects are quite rare for women with T1D. However, they occur more frequently than the general public, and high blood-sugar is the main reason for the increased risk. Good control before a pregnancy and during the first trimester will reduce this risk significantly.

Life With T1D

From tips on counting carbs to advice for traveling with supplies and equipment, our guide makes it easy to stay healthy.

You Are Not Alone

Living with the burden of T1D can be overwhelming at times. But you’re never alone. The JDRF community has your back.