My Friends Are My #1

Why are my friends my #1?

I’m often asked, “you don’t have T1D in your family, why do you support JDRF?”  Simple, my friends, the people tied to JDRF. For nearly 20 years I’ve donated time and efforts primarily for children’s charitable organizations.

About 7 years ago, I met the people at JDRF, all who are eager to find a cure for T1D.  Many organizations have a cause, and they have great people, but JDRF people are special…they are passionate, from the volunteers, to board members and to the staff, this is not just a job, but something to pursue.

I was blessed to have healthy kids, so I’m happy to help where I can for a truly great cause, JDRF.


-Mel Scott
JDRF Board Member
Passport to a Cure Gala Chair