Signs of Diabetes in Teens and Young Adults

Type 1 diabetes is a serious autoimmune disease in which the pancreas stops producing insulinā€”which is essential to getting energy from food. It affects people of all ages and is not related to diet or lifestyle. Thereā€™s no way to prevent type 1 diabetes andā€”currentlyā€”there is no cure.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes in young adults
Signs of type 1 diabetes in young adults tend to come on quickly. Especially for teens, it can be easy to write off the symptoms as illness-related. One of the first early warning signs to look for is increased thirst and bathroom breaks. Thatā€™s because high blood sugar levels cause the body to pull fluid from tissuesā€”which leads to dehydration. Your teenager may then drink more fluids and urinate more frequently. Some other symptoms of diabetes in teens include:

Increased appetite
If your teenager’s body isnā€™t able to get the proper energy it needs from food he or she may feel more hungry than normal.

Unexpected weight loss
If your child is losing weightā€”especially when eating moreā€”it could be a sign that his or her body isnā€™t getting enough calories from their food.

Other diabetes symptoms inĀ teenagers

What other warning signs should you be aware of? Look for sudden vision changes; feeling drowsy or lethargic; experiencing heavy or labored breathing; and your child falling into a stupor or unconsciousness. Type 1 diabetes can be life-threatening if it goes untreated. And the earlier you catch it the better, so please see your doctor if you think your teenager is experiencing symptoms.