UVA’s Boris Kovatchev Honored for Artificial Pancreas Research

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July 30, 2013 ― Boris P. Kovatchev, Ph.D., a pioneering researcher at the University of Virginia (UVA) and a leading player in the efforts to advance artificial pancreas technology, was honored by JDRF yesterday with the prestigious Gerold & Kayla Grodsky Basic Research Scientist Award. The annual award recognizes leadership and innovation in type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and was this year presented by its namesake, esteemed researcher Gerold Grodsky, Ph.D., at JDRF’s OneConference in Washington, D.C.

For more than 20 years, Dr. Kovatchev has lent his talents to the field of mathematical modeling and computing, focusing mostly on diabetes translational research. Among his contributions to diabetes research, Dr. Kovatchev is currently the principal investigator at UVA of the JDRF Artificial Pancreas Project, an international, multicenter project designed to test and advance artificial pancreas systems, which could help ease much of the burden of managing T1D.

“We are thrilled to be honoring Dr. Kovatchev, whose leadership in the JDRF Artificial Pancreas Consortium has been paramount in advancing the field,” says Richard A. Insel, M.D., JDRF’s chief scientific officer. “Recognizing the wealth of talent and breadth of influence that Dr. Kovatchev has offered to type 1 diabetes research is what this award is all about. On behalf of JDRF, we congratulate Dr. Kovatchev and are grateful for all he does to advance important research to improve the lives of people with type 1 diabetes.”

To read the press release, please click here.

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